How to Clean Carpet Spills – 10 Ways

From red stains to coffee mishaps, discover how to clean carpet spills naturally using ingredients in your pantry. Use these methods on tough stains while protecting your carpet, family, and the environment from harsh chemicals.

white mug spilling black coffee on rug

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Life is full of little surprises, and sometimes those surprises come in the form of rogue coffee stains, a tipped glass of red wine, or a ketchup catastrophe on your beautiful carpet. Let’s face it – spills are inevitable. However, carpet stains don’t need to be.

Thanks to this guide, I’ll share my top tips and tricks to tackle those pesky carpet spills using nothing but the power of nature. Store-bought carpet cleaners can be harsh on both your carpets and the environment. Not only will these hacks make your carpets look as good as new, but they’ll also leave you with a clear conscience, knowing you’re not exposing your family or pets to toxic chemicals and you’re protecting the lifespan of your carpet.

Store-Bought Carpet Stain Remover vs. Natural Methods

Still think store-bought is best? When it comes to toxic household cleaners, carpet cleaner is one of the worst offenders. Here are a handful of just some of the harmful chemicals you can find in store-bought carpet stain remover. Embracing natural cleaning methods for carpet spills not only keeps your floor stain free but also promotes a healthier and more sustainable way of living.

  • Harsh Chemicals: This includes perchloroethylene which is a carpet-cleaning agent that can cause dizziness and nausea. As well as formaldehyde which is used as an antibacterial agent for carpet cleaners but has been linked to chest tightness and asthma. Some cleaners may also contain chlorine bleach and ammonia, which can release toxic fumes and cause skin and respiratory irritation.
  • Artificial Fragrances: To mask the strong chemical odors, store-bought carpet cleaners often contain artificial fragrances. These synthetic scents may trigger allergies or sensitivities and can also impact the air quality in your home.
  • Phthalates: These are chemicals that are added to enhance flexibility and fragrance. Although they smell pleasant, they are not entirely safe. Phthalates have been linked to hormone disruption and may pose health risks, particularly to children and pregnant women.
  • Pet and Child Safety: It seems silly when the majority of carpet stains are caused by kids and pets, but many store-bought cleaners are not pet or child-friendly. They cause irritation on your furry friends’ paws, and skin irritation (especially for babies who are crawling), as well as affect the air quality.
  • Corrosive Properties: Certain carpet cleaners contain corrosive substances like hydrochloric acid or butoxyethanol. While they deal with carpet spills, these chemicals can damage the natural fibers of the carpet over time.
hand holding purple sponge on carpet with cleaning solution in background

How to Clean Carpet Spills Naturally

  • Act Fast: My number one top for avoiding permanent stains is to clean the spill as soon as possible. This will help prevent it from setting into the carpet fibers.
  • Remove Solids: For spills like food, pet accidents, or vomit, use a paper towel to carefully scoop up any solid debris.
  • Blot, Don’t Scrub: Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the spill gently. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as it can push the stain deeper into the carpet.
  • Use a Mild Cleaning Solution: It’s important to use a mild detergent because it helps maximize the lifespan of the carpet by preventing damage to the fibers and colors. Harsh chemicals can break down the carpet’s natural fibers and cause fading. I’ve included my favorite mild solutions below that ensure gentle get effective cleaning for the most common carpet spills.
  • Avoid Saturating the Carpet: For best results, it’s important to use a small amount of the cleaning solution on the affected area. Avoid soaking the carpet, as excess moisture can lead to mold growth and damage the carpet backing.
  • Blot and Rinse: It’s important to gently blot all carpet spills with a clean cloth or paper towel, working from the outer edges toward the center. Rinse the area with water to remove any remaining cleaning solution.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Absorb excess moisture by placing a clean towel or paper towel over the damp area and pressing down firmly. You can also use a fan or open windows to speed up the drying process.
  • Consider Your Carpet Type: Before you dive in with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, consider the carpet fibers. Different types of carpets may require specific cleaning methods. Always test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of the carpet first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration or damage.
  • Deodorize: Once the carpet spill is cleaned, it’s also essential to know how to deodorize carpets naturally. This will not only neutralize the smell of the spill and any cleaning solution, but help keep your carpets fresh without toxic air fresheners or carpet sprays.
  • Deep Clean: For extra stubborn carpet spills or an occasional deep clean. As well as a faster drying time, steam cleaning can penetrate deep into the carpet fibers, reaching dirt, allergens, and embedded stains that we can’t see on the surface. The high-temperature steam also helps to loosen and dissolve contaminants, helping to sanitize and deodorize your floor. As a tip, for best results, I use Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate (2 capfuls) and hot water and fill to the water line. After steam cleaning, don’t forget to open windows to dry your damp carpets quickly.
carpet cleaner on beige carpet

Tools for Cleaning Carpet Spills

Paper Towels, Microfiber Cloths or Carpet Brush: Both paper towels and microfiber cloths are highly absorbent, making them ideal for blotting and absorbing liquid spills from carpets. A carpet brush or sponge may be required for particularly tough stains. They will agitate the cleaning solution gently into the carpet fibers, helping to loosen stubborn stains and dirt for easier removal.

Spray Bottle: A spray bottle allows you to apply the cleaning solution evenly and precisely on the affected area, preventing over-saturation and minimizing waste.

Mild Dish Soap: Mild dish soap is gentle but effective in breaking down grease and stains, making it suitable for tackling various carpet spills. My go to is Thieves Dish Soap. It is a natural dish soap made with grease-cutting ingredients and Jade Lemon, Bergamot, and Thieves blend essential oils. It’s a powerful cleanser made with coconut-based cleansing agents, yet made without sulfates, dyes, phosphates, and synthetic perfumes found in many store-bought dish soaps.

White Vinegar: White vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer. It is one of my favorite natural cleaning hacks because once mixed with water, it can effectively remove stains, odors, and bacteria from carpets. It is also one of the best natural ways to kill mold. It is safe for most carpet materials and environmentally friendly.

Hydrogen Peroxide: There are so many uses for Hydrogen peroxide including using it as powerful stain remover. It is particularly effective for tackling tough stains like blood, wine, or coffee. It acts as a mild bleach but should be used with caution on colored carpets to avoid discoloration.

Baking soda: From homemade soft scrub to natural deodorant, there are so many uses for baking soda around your home. It is a powerful tool for cleaning carpet spills thanks to its natural absorbent properties which help to lift and remove stains. It also helps to deodorize carpets and neutralize odors left by spills which is why it’s the star ingredient in my DIY carpet freshener.  

Steam Cleaner or Wet/Dry Vacuum: Carpet cleaning machines or steam cleaners provide a deep and thorough cleaning, extracting dirt and grime from the carpet fibers. They are especially useful for larger carpeted areas or heavily soiled carpets when spot cleaning just won’t cut it. A wet/dry vacuum is useful for removing excess moisture from the carpet after cleaning, reducing drying time, and preventing mold or mildew growth. You don’t need to use the carpet shampoo that comes with the vacuum instead I opt for a natural alternative, (2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate and hot water.)

amber glass bottle with baking soda and sponge on counter

How to Clean Common Carpet Spills

Armed with my tips and tools above its time to tackle the most common carpet spills. Not only are these methods gentle but effective, they’re budget and environmentally friendly too. From blood to bubblegum, I’ve got it covered – all without a harsh chemical in sight:

1. Coffee Stains

Blot up as much coffee as possible using paper towels or a microfiber cloth. Then, mix one tablespoon of mild dish soap with one cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected area and blot gently with a clean cloth. Rinse the area with water and blot dry

2. Food Spill

Start by scraping off any solid food particles with a spatula or paper towel. You can then use use Thieves Fruit and Veggie Wash (which is meant to be used to clean produce) but it has natural enzymes to help remove residue. Then follow up with my DIY stain remover or mix one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the food stain and blot gently with a clean cloth. Rinse with water and blot dry.

3. Red Wine Stains

When it comes to red wine stains, speed is key. Blot up as much wine as possible using paper towels or a microfiber cloth. Then there are a few solutions to deal with this common carpet spill:

  • Vinegar: Once blotted, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the wine stain and blot gently with a clean cloth.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: If the stain is particularly stubborn, try using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1:1 ratio) and blot again. Don’t forget to patch test first. Rinse with water and blot dry.
  • Club Soda: Once you’ve blotted up as much of the spill as possible, pour a small amount of club soda directly onto the affected area. The carbonation of the club soda helps to dissolve the red pigments. Take a new clean cloth or paper towel and blot the area to soak up the soda. You should see the stain transferring from the carpet to the cloth. Continue blotting until no more stain comes off. Then rinse the area with cold water to remove any remaining residue. Blot the area again with a clean cloth to dry.
glass of red wine spill on carpet

4. Pet Accident

Although one of the most common carpet spills, pet accidents are easy to resolve naturally. Firstly, blot up as much of the accident as possible using paper towels or a microfiber cloth. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected area and blot gently with a clean cloth. For stubborn pet odors for example from urine stains, sprinkle baking soda on the spot and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming.

5. Ink Stains

If you are dealing with an ink stain, it’s vital you don’t rub the stain as it can smear and cause a bigger mess. Instead blot the stain using a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol to remove as much ink as possible. Then blot the stain with a clean cloth until the ink transfers to the cloth. Rinse with water and blot dry.

6. Milk

Cleaning spilt milk on carpet using natural methods is straightforward and can be achieved with items commonly found in your pantry. It’s important to act fast to prevent any lingering smell or potential staining. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot first then mix one part vinegar with two parts cold water. The white vinegar will help to neutralize the milk odor.

Spray the solution on to a damp cloth then blot the affected area. Rinse with cold water to remove any milk and vinegar residue. When milk is spilt on carpet, any leftover residue can become a breeding ground for bacteria so you may want to repeat the process to be extra sure. Follow up with my DIY carpet freshener to neutralize any odors.

glass of milk spill on carpet

7. Oil and Grease Stains

To maximize your chances of getting a grease spill out of your carpet, you will need to act fast. If you leave the stain to set it may be too late so timing is key. Firstly, water and grease do not mix so do not try to apply water to the spill as this can potentially make the stain worse.

Instead sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda on the spill to absorb the oil or grease. Then, let it sit for a few minutes before vacuuming it up. Mix one tablespoon of mild dish soap with one cup of water in a spray bottle or use my DIY stain remover. Spray the solution onto the spill and blot gently with a clean cloth. Rinse with water and blot dry.

8. Blood Stain

Gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to avoid spreading the blood further into the carpet fibers. Then, dab the stain with a cold water-soaked cloth to help loosen the blood particles. Mix one tablespoon of mild dish soap with two cups of cold water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the blood stain and blot gently with a clean cloth.

If the stain persists, you can try applying a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the area. Blood stains can be particularly stubborn, so be patient and repeat the process if necessary.

9. Gum and Wax

The easiest way to deal with wax or gum stuck on the carpet is to freeze it first using ice cubes in a plastic bag until it becomes brittle. Once solidified, scrape off the gum or wax using a spatula, spoon or even a credit card. I’d avoid using sharp objects such as a butter knife as this could damage the carpet fibers.

As candle wax is usually an oil-based stain, you may need a solvent that dissolves oil, such as rubbing alcohol. You could also try mixing one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto any residue and blot gently with a clean cloth. Rinse with water and blot with a clean cloth to dry.

10. Urine and Vomit

Blot up as much of the urine or vomit as possible using paper towels or a microfiber cloth. After blotting, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area to absorb excess moisture and help neutralize odors.

Then use an enzyme-based cleaner that is specific to organic matter. It works particularly well on stains including wine, food, pet urine, and vomit without harsh chemical residues.

Alternatively, mix one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected area and blot gently with a clean cloth. To finish it’s important to deodorize your carpet using natural methods that will neutralize the smell, not just mask it.

hand pointing to stain on carpet

Top Tips for Cleaning Carpet Spills

  • Remove Your Shoes: One of the most common causes for carpet stains is our outdoor shoes. Studies have shown by removing our shoes before entering the home can avoid dragging in dangerous dirt, pollution and bacteria.
  • Pets: As well as our shoes, pets can drag in dirt and grime particularly on rainy days. Keep a towel by your door for your pet’s paws to keep your carpets clean.
  • Vacuum Regularly: Carpets can be a breeding ground for bacteria especially in areas with high foot traffic or where spills occur. By vacuuming regularly you can avoid build up, keep carpets clean and eliminate any odors. Vacuuming will also help to rejuvenate the carpet fibers keeping your carpets looking fresh and new.
  • Act Fast: As mentioned above, timing is crucial when dealing with any carpet spill. If the spill is not cleaned up promptly and thoroughly, it can seep into the carpet fibers and underlying padding.
  • Professional Carpet Cleaner: If you’re struggling with a particularly stubborn spill, you may want to hire a professional carpet cleaner. Make sure to use one that only uses certified non-toxic cleansers. Details of their products should be on their website, if not ask.

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